Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lost in IKEA!

"IKEA" Well some place I have not been in years and what a change.
This morning I was in Ikea kind of scoping out some things I  might need for my Florida home.
WOW, what a change, this place is massive and have they got it all figured out to the point of being annoying.
Kind of like entering a Casino in Vegas, you enter the front and the only way out is to walk through the entire store, through the market, the warehouse and finally after a long walk the cash registers and out.
The only thing I noticed missing was that they were not pumping pure Oxygen into the store to keep you alert.
Oh ya, the weather was not great so the Day Care Ladies were walking groups of kis around the place, get a life and leave people along with these kids.
Yup I will go back, I plan to watch the possible sale flyers and will make some purchases.
Again, IKEA, what a Machine!

1 comment:

princess patti said...

see my blog of Feb 27 re IKEA hell!!! Waaaaaaaaay too big for us!! We were ready to hit an emergency button so someone could rescue us!
I always get my supply of red Christmas candles at IKEA and I'm dreading it already! patti