Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yup It is Summer

Blue Heron trying to stay cool, shot in Ottawa Proper

I love these old Rod's

Hi Betty!

Ya Baby, we just finished a scorching hot week here in Ottawa. The AC in the house kept me at a nice comfortable 73f, worked for me. Riding the Motorcycle felt like you were inside a convection oven, not much in the way of cooling relief from the wind generated from the ride.
We are currently on the cool down and according to the forecast will have a couple of days in the high 60's f next week. I am sure it will feel good. Last night I had the windows in the house open and the place feels great this morning.
What have I been up to? Not much, some golf, a couple of rides, one to a car show which turned out to be a good gathering, a bit of gardening, man I really don't like working in the dirt.
Life remains great.

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