Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8th, Merrickville Car Show Ride – Where were you if not on the RIDE?

Ride Group

At Play

Car Show, Nice Location

Bikes at Rest

Man what can we say about the ride day weather other than it was outstanding. A cool morning followed by a warm pleasant afternoon.
A group of 8 bikes and 12 riders and passengers met up at the Timmy’s, Manotick location for a 9:00am start. 
The ride took the group through Burrits Rapids towards the planned breakfast location, the Lock 17 Restaurant. We arrived at the Restaurant only to discover that it was the very expensive Sunday Buffet Breakfast, no menu items were offered. A quick group conference and the group turned around and back tracked to the Rideau Family Restaurant where we were happily met and set up for a table of 12. The service was a bit slow but we were not in a hurry, lots of talk took place and yes it is hard to keep Grant under control (even the waitress clued in on Grants hijinks).
Off we went one more time and rode the River Road towards Merrickville, now the 3rd passing on this road for the day. I don’t think the group is in a big hurry to travel that particular rode for a while.
Arriving in Merrickville it was immediately apparent how busy this Car Show event was, we took a quick turn to the left into the residential area and worked our way to the far end of town. Luckily we found a prime parking spot that accommodated all bikes. 
The group agreed to a 45 minute walk around the town, just enough time to get a quick look at what was going on, the town was busy. We left JP to guard the bikes and he did a great job, all bikes were still in place along with one additional HOG member, welcome Art who managed to track us down.
Off towards Cardinal for an Ice Cream stop, HOLD ON HERE, a group cry came up, what about a stop at Tim’s.    I guess this road captain learned a lesson, no road trips without coffee stops for Richard, JP and Lise and yes the stop has to be a Tim’s. Ok after the stop off for Ice Cream, Ya Hoo, I introduced the group to an undiscovered spot/stop on the Seaway where nobody had been before. It was a good stop and as you can see from the attached pictures the kids played, nothing got broken.
Off towards our starting point of Timmy’s in Manotick (yes more coffee for some), arriving at about 3:30pm the group said its good byes and dispersed. It was a great ride, one to be remembered once the cold weather sets in. Until the next time keep your wheels rubber side down!
Oh Ya, congratulation’s Don and Julie on the Brand New Ultra Classic Limited, very nice indeed!

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