Saturday, October 13, 2012


Packed and ready to go!

Well Friday I spent the entire day in preparation for my Saturday morning departure for Florida.
The war wagon and bike were all loaded and set to go.
I even encountered some snow flurries during the day while working around the house and the loading of the car.
I was enjoying a final meal at the house at about 6:30pm when the telephone rang.
The call changed my departure plans!
I am now in a holding pattern for a to be determined period of time before I can depart for my Florida winter.
To say the least this is a disappointment to me not to mention a lot of additional effort.
I will have to unload the war wagon and re-establish all my services which I have had put on seasonal suspension as of the middle of next week.
Oh Well What Are you Going To Do? The answer whatever you have to do!
So to all of my southern friends I will be late in my planned arrival.
Until later folks.

1 comment:

sharrins said...

I really feel sorry that you had to delay your departure to Florida and endure some of our 0 to -0 temperatures..........NOT !! safe and ride safer John !
