Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Couple of Nice days

Yup, some warm rain showers in between the sunny breaks on Sunday but not a bad day. I was on the bike and got a bit damp but that soon passed.
Yesterday was an outstanding day in the area, the plan was a few chores around the house followed by a ride. Unfortunately I became caught up in the house chores and the ride never happened, no matter it was all good because the accomplishments around the house were all good.
Today's picture from the web and is an Ottawa Web cam shot from a couple of evenings ago. It is now raining in Ottawa and they are calling for a green Christmas back home, kind of to bad for the kids, but what are you going to do!

1 comment:

princess patti said...

hi John
well we hear have snow, and this morning we are getting more. So a White Xmas here for sure.
