Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Feel of Fall Setting IN!

Putt-Putt Ride Group

Man it has been an outstanding summer here in the Ottawa area, lots of sun and hot days.
As the month of August deepens you can feel the cool nights setting in. The birds are beginning to Flock and the Geese have already started to fly towards the south. This snowbird is also beginning to think south in the future.
The golf game remains the same, OK but not great.
I have continue to spend seat time on the bike.
Last Sunday we did a group ride, breakfast, mini putt, lunch followed by a ride.
The outing drew a good group of about 10 bikes. I am real bad at not keeping exact number of attendees although  am sure someone did.
This coming Sunday we will ride to eat again. Wilno will be the destination, again to ride, this time for a feed of Ukrainian food, good stuff!

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