Sunday, August 12, 2012

Some RAIN!

Well it is a bit to late but better late than never. We probably have picked up some 3 inches of rain in the past week. It looks like I may have to cut my grass for the first time in about 6 weeks, it is all good. The unfortunate part is that the farmers growing season is just about shot for which I know we will all pay.
Yesterday was our HOG Chapters Charity ride for Breast Cancer. the weather for the day created a big question mark as to whether  anyone would show up or not. I was part of the volunteer group so I rode over to the start at about 8am in the fog and light rain for set-up. It kind of cleared to high cloud and overcast, no rain. About 40 participants in the ride appeared and the ride would have to be declared a success with a couple of thousand dollars raised. It turned out to be a good day.
I acted as the hamburger flipper, kind of an ok job. Arriving back at the house was great, I needed a shower to get all of the BBQ smells washed away.

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