Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ho Hum!

A very nice summer presses onward, the weather remains outstanding.
Life continues, golf, bike riding and generally lazing around.
Not much to complain about.
We did a big ride this past weekend in memory of a member who passed away, Linda.
The ride was called Linda's desert ride and some 38 bikes from the Ottawa and Renfrew HOG chapters  met up and rode to Wilno. Now it was called a desert ride but the truth be known we were in the heart of Polish country and I hit the buffet. Cabbage Rolls, Perogies, Sausage and cabage, WOW was it good. I don't often overeat at a buffet but I did at this one, it was great.
The day was outstanding and it turned into a full day on the bikes covering some 300 plus miles.
Great day and after an evening shower I fell asleep in front of the TV.
Life presses onward, all good things.

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