Monday, September 10, 2012

Hi There!

Yup it has been a long time between posts as the summer continues onward.
This past weekend has been the first real sign of fall like conditions in the Ottawa area. Saturday was warm but produced a very rainy day, one of the few we have encountered all summer.
Sunday,mostly sunny but cool. Today Monday a cool morning and the furnace at my home is now running just to take the cool out of the house, a sign of things to come.
Sunday was one more Charity Ride, this time for the Guide Dogs of Canada, a fun cause.
The ride started from the Guide Dog center and about 100 motorcycles of all makes and sizes showed up. We were about 12 bikes from the local HOG Chapter so we decided to head off as our own little group on the 200km ride, I was the Road captain. It was a coolish ride but when the sun was out it was great. After about 3 great hours on the road, a few dice rolling stops and a tour through the surrounding countryside we arrived back at the Guide Dog center for prizes and a BBQ. As is usual lots of prizes were handed out and the food was good. Tours of the facility were offered. The Guide Dogs of Canada is a volunteer organization supported only by fund raising activities. What a seemingly well run organization.
It was a great day.
more to come. Photo credits to friend Sue H.

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